Frequently Asked Question

Google Analytics and Cart32
Last Updated 6 years ago

Many e-commerce businesses are now finding the need to analyze specific data about their customers in order to better market their products. Google Analytics is an incredibly powerful tool that collects all kinds of information about your website traffic. Information such as customer location, the amount of times an item has been purchased, and how the customer got to the website are just a few examples of how marketing campaigns can be influenced to attract more customers. Clearly there are many advantages of using this free software, so please read on to find out how to integrate Cart32 with Google Analytics!
Create a Google Analytics Account and Point it to your Shopping Cart

In order to use Google Analytics you will need to create the account with Google. During this process you will need to tell Google where to look for the Google Analytics code.

  • Go to
  • Click Access Analytics and sign up for a new account.
  • At the "Analytics: New Account Signup" page:
  • If you are using a hosted cart with cart32, "Website's URL:" will need to reflect this. An easy way to find out what needs to go into the field would be to add a product to the cart from your website. The first checkout page's URL should look something like"" (If it begins with "https://" you will need to change the first box to this). Simply copy everything after the http:// and paste it into the field. The remaining fields can be chosen based on what you would like to call the account and where your business is located.
  • Near the end of the wizard you will be asked what you are tracking. You will need to choose A single domain (default).
  • Click Save and Finish.
  • You will see your newly created profile and also your tracking code (UA-XXXXXXXX-X) which will be used later to configure Cart32 correctly.

Enabling E-Commerce Tracking

The first step of tracking e-commerce transactions is to enable e-commerce reporting for your website's profile. To enable e-commerce reporting, please follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Google Analytics account.
  • Click Edit next to the profile you'd like to enable.
  • On the Profile Settings page, click edit next to Main Website Profile Information.
  • Change the E-Commerce Website radio button from No to Yes.

Enabling Google Analytics in Cart32

Now that we have Google Analytics set up to track e-commerce transactions, it is time to enable it in the Cart32 administration panel.

  • Log in to your Cart32 administration.
  • Navigate to the Cart Settings -> Google tab of the Cart32 administration.
  • Check the box to "Use Google Analytics"
  • Set the Google Analytics Tracking Type to "Use Google Analytics Tracking code"
  • Copy the Google Analytics Account Number that Google has provided you and paste it in the field. You can use your number with or without the "UA-" prefix.

Using Google Analytics

Now that you have everything set up correctly it is time to view the data that is being generated.

  • Log into your Google Analytics account.
  • Click on "View Report" next to the name of the profile.
**Important Note** It can take up to 24 hours for Google Analytics and the cart to communicate, data will only be collected when the Status is a green check mark. If it is a Yellow hazard sign you may not have waited long enough for everything to synchronize.
The report will give you a ton of great information but since this is set up to also track e-commerce, click on "Ecommerce" in the left-side navigation panel to view data about what your customers have been purchasing.
Helpful Links to Learn more about Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a very robust data collection tool with many features and options. Please take some time to visit the following links if you would like to learn more about what Google Analytics can do.

Overview Video:

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