Frequently Asked Question

Cart32 Manual Installation Instructions
Last Updated 6 years ago

Sometimes the server prevents c32setup.exe from running properly. If for some reason the normal installation of Cart32 doesn't work, you can do a manual installation. The .dll file will not regsiter and will need to be manually registered after the installation.

Note: This method is only recommended after you have attempted the standard installation methods. Please follow the precautions listed in the standard installation instructions before attempting this method.

1. Go to our download site ( and download c32files.exe.

2. Create a temporary Cart32 directory on your hard drive of your local computer. Copy c32files.exe into this directory.

3. Run c32files.exe by double clicking it. It will extract all of the Cart32 files to that directory.

4. Using FTP or some other method to copy those files directly into the Cart32 folder on your server.

5. From the temporary Cart32 directory, copy the files c32web.exe, cart32.dll, cart32.exe, pthash.dll, and to the root of your cgi-bin directory on the server. MSVBVM60.dll will also need to be uploaded to this directory if it has not been uploaded already.

6. Ensure the proper permissions are enabled on these files and folders. See Knowledge Base article Server Permissions for more information on how to set the permissions.

7. If using Windows 2012 or greater, then add the following line into your cart32.ini file:
Copy these files into your c:\windows folder: klog_com.dll, g_crypt_v2.dll, cart32.dll, email44.dll
Register these files by going to the command prompt as Administrator and going to the c:\windows folder and typing the following command for each file: regsvr32 klog_com.dll

8. Go to http://[your domain]/cgi-bin/c32web.exe. Since the installation didn't complete before, it will automatically create and verify the databases. If you are upgrading, it will add the new features at this time also.

The manual installation should be complete at this point.

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