Frequently Asked Question

Link-Point Basic Won't Send International Orders
Last Updated 6 years ago

If you are using Link-Point Basic on your own install of Cart32 and are getting errors when trying to do international or multiple line address orders you may need to update your processor file.

  1. Open the LinkPointBasic.cpp file located in the Cart32 directory.
  2. Locate the line bstate= and add this line underneath it: bstate2=
  3. Close and save the file.
  4. In the Cart32 web admin, go to the appearance tab --> billing information. Locate the field "other1" by scrolling down through the list of fields. Highlight this field, set show to "yes", set required to "no", set text to "Province (non-US)", set width to "20", and change order to "9" (to make it appear under the state field). You will then need to adjust the following fields order:
    • Zip: 10
    • Country: 11
    • Phone: 12
    • Fax: 13
    • Email: 14
    • Comment: 15
  5. Click Save to save settings
Optional: Change the shipping fields to match the billing fields. In the Cart32 web admin, go to the appearance tab --> shipping information. Locate the field "other1" by scrolling down through the list of fields. Highlight this field, set show to "yes", set required to "no", set text to "Province (non-US)", set width to "20", and change order to "9" (to make it appear under the state field). You will then need to adjust the following fields order:
  • Zip: 10
  • Country: 11
  • Phone: 12
  • Fax: 13
  • Email: 14
  • Comment: 15

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