Frequently Asked Question

How To Use Google Analytics To Track E-Commerce Transactions
Last Updated 6 years ago

Google analytics can provide you with a lot of very useful information. It can show you who your customers are, where they are from, and what path they take through your site, to name a few things. However, first you have to get it set up. The documentation that Google provides is very helpful, but can be a little daunting or confusing.
Important Note
A while back Google released a new version of their Analytics code. This document is geared towards their original code, as far as the examples go. The concepts and pages that need to be changed remain the same. An updated article is being developed, and will address both codesets as well as how to determine which one you need.

For tracking e-commerce, there are two main documents that discuss how to set this up.

How do I track e-commerce transactions? and How do I use Google Analytics to track a 3rd-party shopping cart? I will assume you already have a Google Analytics account setup (if you don't, please visit

The first step is to enable E-Commerce tracking. From "How do I track e-commerce transactions?":

Enabling E-Commerce Tracking

The first step of tracking e-commerce transactions is to enable e-commerce reporting for your website's profile. To enable e-commerce reporting, please follow these steps:
  • Log in to your account.
  • Click Edit next to the profile you'd like to enable.
  • On the Profile Settings page, click edit next to Main Website Profile Information.
  • Change the E-Commerce Website radio button from No to Yes.
The rest of this document you do not need to worry about, as Cart32 will take care of that for you when you enable Google Analytics within the cart. To do this, log into your Cart32 Administration and go to the Cart Settings tab and then the Google tab. Check the box that says "Use Google Analytics" and enter in your Google account number. You do not need the "UA-" as the cart provides that, but you do need the ##### part, as that is how Google differentiates between the different sites that are on a given account.

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